kamacam カマキャン  
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kamacam カマキャン
kamacam カマキャン
kamacam カマキャン



◆What kind of city is Kamakura?

Kamakura's main features are the sea and the mountains. There are many historical ruins, including famous shrines and temples. The city faces the Pacific Ocean to the south and is surrounded by mountains to the northeast and west. This topography was used as a "natural fortress" to establish the Kamakura Shogunate at the end of 1100 AD. At that time, Kamakura was the political center of Japan. When Minamoto no Yoritomo established Japan's first samurai government, Kamakura became the center of the country, and a unique "samurai culture" was formed by fusing the aristocratic culture of Kyoto and Nara, which had continued since the Heian period, and the culture of the Song and Yuan dynasties of China with the samurai spirit of simplicity and strength, and the culture of the common people. The samurai culture of the Kamakura period embraced aristocratic culture, but also developed its own unique culture, which influenced various fields such as literature, arts and crafts, and sculpture. Changes also occurred in religion. Until then, Buddhism had only spread among the emperor and aristocrats, but in the Kamakura period, it spread widely to the common people and samurai, and many temples were opened, including the five mountains of Kamakura (Kencho-ji, Engaku-ji, Jufuku-ji, Jochi-ji, and Jomyo-ji). After Yoritomo's death, a power struggle broke out among the samurai, and in 1333, Nitta Yoshisada invaded Kamakura, destroying the Kamakura Shogunate. The Shogunate then moved to Kyoto, where it was replaced by the Muromachi Shogunate, and Kamakura became a village of agriculture and fishing.Later, during the Edo period, shrines and temples were restored. Scenic spots such as Enoshima gradually became known to the townspeople of Edo, and Kamakura developed into a tourist destination.In the 19th century, Kamakura once again attracted attention as a beach destination for modern people, as a place for villas and residential areas. Gradually, writers and literary figures, who loved the city's warm climate, abundant nature, history and cultural traditions, moved there. Today, Kamakura is often used as a setting for anime, dramas and movies, and as a famous tourist destination, it attracts many tourists from both Japan and abroad. Kamakura, about an hour by train from Tokyo, is an ancient capital that offers a taste of 1,000 years of history, culture, nature and new sensibilities that are ahead of its time, and is bustling with as many as 20 million visitors a year.


kamacam カマキャン




◆The only campsite in Kamakura

【Kamacam】 is the only campsite in the ancient city of Kamakura, the heart of Shonan. Kamacamp is open to those who want to set up their own camping gear and enjoy camping in their own style, as well as those who want to enjoy camping empty-handed. Our simple pricing is ◎◎◎◎ yen per person. Please feel free to bring your own camping gear, drinks, food, and anything else you like. Of course, there is no charge.

With 【Kamacam】, you can visit historical sites, have tea at a stylish cafe, play at the beach, have a BBQ, and camp in the forest. There are also rental bicycles available, so you can easily go to famous shops in the alleys and streets. There are also many famous spots nearby. If you're going on a short trip, why not enjoy it to the fullest?

kamacam カマキャン

健康増進、病気の治療、病後の療養、メンタルヘルスを目的として、森に入ることが盛んになってきました。森林浴は、ストレスの緩和だけでなく、森に入ることで得られる効果には科学的根拠があります。憂鬱な気分が晴れたり、悩み事を客観的に捉えることができたり、前向きな気持ちになれたり、混乱していたことが整理されて頭がすっきりしたり、新しいアイデアが浮かんだりします。副交感神経に作用しますから、リラックス効果があり、細胞の新陳代謝を活性化させ、疲労回復を促します。アンチエイジングが期待できます。うつ状態やうつ病の原因のひとつは、血中セロトニン濃度の低下にあると考えられています。 森林浴は、都市部での散策と比較して血中セロトニンを有意に上昇させることがわかっています。森林浴はうつ状態の改善やうつ病の予防に有効であることが示唆されています。



◆The meaning of spending time in the forest

Going into the forest has become popular for the purpose of improving health, treating illnesses, recovering from illness, and improving mental health. Forest bathing is not only a stress reliever, but the benefits of going into the forest are scientifically based. It can clear up gloomy moods, help you see your worries objectively, make you feel more positive, organize your confusion, clear your head, and give you new ideas. It acts on the parasympathetic nervous system, so it has a relaxing effect, activates cell metabolism, and promotes fatigue recovery. It is expected to have anti-aging effects. One of the causes of depression and depression is thought to be a decrease in blood serotonin levels. It has been found that forest bathing significantly increases blood serotonin compared to walking in urban areas. It has been suggested that forest bathing is effective in improving depression and preventing depression.

In Europe and the United States, forest bathing has been put into practical use in the medical field as a natural therapy. In Germany, forest bathing and forest recreation are covered by health insurance. There are also reports that forest therapy experiments conducted on patients with chronic pain and depression have shown relief of symptoms. It has also been reported that patients who had undergone spinal surgery and were hospitalized in a room with sunlight experienced less pain and stress during recovery, and took less painkillers.

By the way, do you know how much medical expenses per person in Japan are? The average medical expense per person in a lifetime is 27 million yen. In 5-year increments, it is 1.24 million yen for those aged 0 to 4, and decreases until the late teens. It continues to increase from the 20s and exceeds 2 million yen for those aged 65 and over. It exceeds 3 million yen for those aged 75 to 79 and 80 to 84, respectively, and those aged 75 and over spend 10 million yen, which is 40% of their lifetime medical expenses. It is surprising that so many people spend so much money on medical expenses, even though just going to the forest can have such a positive effect.

kamacam カマキャン
kamacam カマキャン
日帰りの場合の利用時間 8hours
1泊2日の場合の利用時間 22hours


◆The only campsite in Kamakura

【Kamacam】's fee structure is simple. All campsites have a flat rate. The amount paid is the number of people x usage fee. There are two types of fees: one-day use and a two-day overnight campsite, with the fees varying for each. One-day use is 6,600 yen (tax included) per person. An overnight campsite is 9,900 yen (tax included) per person. If you add any optional services, the additional fee will be added. There are no other charges.

kamacam カマキャン


kamacam カマキャン


kamacam カマキャン
ブッシュクラフト マイキャンプ


kamacam カマキャン
2016、06 日経新聞 2020、06 グランピングガイド
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2018、07 エイ出版「OUTDOOR STYLE BOOK with DOGS」  
2018、09 NIKKEI STYLE  
kamacam カマキャン
kamacam カマキャン

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